[Salon] Fwd: Military operations in Rafah could lead to a slaughter in Gaza and put a fragile humanitarian operation at death’s door

Quote from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, occupied Palestinian territory (see below):

"More than half of Gaza’s population – well over 1 million people – are crammed in Rafah, staring death in the face: They have little to eat, hardly any access to medical care, nowhere to sleep, nowhere safe to go.

"They, like the entire population of Gaza, are the victims of an assault that is unparalleled in its intensity, brutality and scope.”

The murderous assault upon Palestinians so that they’re "staring death in the face” did not originate solely at the hands of Israeli fascists! Their US fascist allies had a hand in that as well, as accelerated under the Trump administration! You know, the “Right-wing Peacenik” Trump! Who deserves “credit” for the Palestinians having to conclude they must “Abandon All Hope,” of achieving any escape from Israeli captivity, as the Zionist Fascist Trump tightened the screws on them ever tighter, as described here:


"Leading Humanitarian Organizations Object to Trump Administration Plans to Cut U.S. Contributions to the UN Relief Agency for Palestinians”

BLUF: “Today, the leaders of 21 leading organizations involved in international humanitarian response sent a letter to the Trump Administration objecting “in the strongest terms” to the U.S. decision to withhold $65 million in planned U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
"In the letter (attached to this press release), the humanitarian leaders write, “We are deeply concerned by the humanitarian consequences of this decision on life-sustaining assistance to children, women and men in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Whether it is emergency food aid, access to primary healthcare, access to primary education, or other critical support to vulnerable populations, there is no question that these cuts, if maintained, will have dire consequences.”

That long dreamed of Likud/Republican Party genocide of the Palestinians, and assorted other Muslims, with the preparation Conservatives have put into that for decades, is at hand: 


"US Attorney General Sessions sets up Hezbollah investigation team"


"Sessions said the Obama administration's counterterrorism policies had "emboldened our enemies" and failed to address border control. He has warned against the administration's efforts to close Guantanamo and has condemned its decision to afford the legal protections of American courts to terror detainees.

"The Republican senator has also defended mass surveillance by the NSA, telling Obama’s first attorney-general, Eric Holder, in one committee hearing on warrantless wiretapping that "we've exaggerated the extent to which this is somehow violative of our Constitution”.

Jeff Sessions is a favorite of “Traditional Conservative” supporters of, first, Trump, and later, DeSantis, and was representative of their Authoritarian Ideology, as was articulated by Francoists/McCarthyites, of the Conservative Movement’s founding era, who are promoted today as Trumpism’s “precursor.” And the link between today’s “Third Recht,” the so-called New Right so zealously promoted the warmongers listed as supporting Heritage Foundation”s “Plan for Global Conquest,” Project 2025. Which begins with unlimited and zealous support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinians underway now with the assistance of Peter Thiel (National Conservative promoter, and Palantir Surveillance company leader); and Libertarian Charles Koch’s Israeli company:  https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3861071,00.html

Then there is this, going to “Traditional Conservatives,” as having been proclaimed here: 

"In June 2016, Sessions called Islam a “toxic ideology.” He opposed a resolution to keep a person’s religion out of immigration decisions and supports the “extreme vetting” of immigrants. . . . Sessions has favored waterboarding, stating, “it worked” in extracting information. Waterboarding has long been considered torture, and leading FBI interrogators have debunked Sessions’ claim, saying a person will say anything to get it to stop. Sessions admitted in his testimony this week that waterboarding is now “absolutely improper and illegal” as Congress has outlawed it, although he voted against that legislation.

"Guantanamo should be kept open to incarcerate terrorism suspects, Sessions testified. “It’s designed for that purpose,” he said. “It fits that purpose marvelously well. It’s a safe place to keep prisoners. We’ve invested a lot of money” in it. He neglected to mention that detainees at Guantanamo have been illegally indefinitely detained, tortured and abused. And the prison has become a symbol of US hypocrisy on human rights and served as a recruiting tool for would-be terrorists.”

Now, what would you guess is this “Traditional Conservative’s” view of Israeli genocide and all that Trump did to advance it? And Biden’s meek bleatings of “complaint" isn’t going to stop it, even if he actually intended to, which he obviously doesn’t. Especially with all that he did after 10/7 to continue Trump’s policies, which had opened the doors so wide for the Israeli Right to unleash its fascist-self upon the Palestinians, as they had been doing for decades, and escalating that under Trump! Which no one here seems to want to acknowledge. But Benzion Netanyahu, Benjamin’s father, made no secret of his fascist objectives, now being realized under his son:

Attachment: A Genuine Fascist- Benzion Netanyahu.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Attachment: Part I- \"Conquer the Land of Israel\" - Benzion Netanyahu’s legacy to his son.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Part 2-99 year-old Zionist, Benzion Netanyahu speaks on the “Future of the Jews” - Destination Yisra'el.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: bin7IUybziVtD.bin
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

The file on Trump is his “solution” to the Mideast, just as it was Benzion’s, and according to Benzion, the Turks. 

Q: Operation “cast Lead” was one of the worst blows we handed on a civilian population.

A: “That’s not enough. It’s possible that we should have hit harder.”

Q: You don’t like the Arabs, to say the least.

A: “The bible finds no worse image than this of the man from the desert. And why? Because he has no

respect for any law. Because in the desert he can do as he pleases. The tendency towards conflict is in

the essence of the Arab. He is an enemy by essence. His personality won’t allow him any compromise or

agreement. It doesn’t matter what kind of resistance he will meet, what price he will pay. His existence

is one of perpetuate war.”

Q: Is there any hope of peace?

A: “Out of agreement? No. the other side might stay in peace if it understands that doing anything [else]

will cause it enormous pain. The two states solution doesn’t exist. There are no two people here. There

is a Jewish people and an Arab population… there is no Palestinian people, so you don’t create a state

for an imaginary nation… they only call themselves a people in order to fight the Jews.”

Q: So what’s the solution?

A: “No solution but force… strong military rule. Any outbreak will bring upon the Arabs enormous

suffering. We shouldn’t wait for a big mutiny to start, but rather act immediately with great force to

prevent them from going on…

If it’s possible, we should conquer any disputed territory in the land of Israel. Conquer and hold it,

even if it brings us years of war. We should conquer Gaza, and parts of the Galil, and the Golan. This

will bring upon us a bloody war, since war is difficult for us – we don’t have a lot of territory, while the

Arabs have lots of space to retreat to. But that’s the only way to survive here.”

There is valuable experience [on this matter] we don’t pay notice to. I mean the Ottoman rule over the

Arabs. The Turks ruled over the Arabs for 400 years, and there was peace and quiet everywhere. The

Arabs hated the Ottomans, but every little thing they did brought mass killings and hanging in towns

squares. They were hanging people in Damascus, and Izmir… every town had hanging posts in its

center…the Arabs were so badly beaten, they didn’t dare revolt.

Naturally, I don’t recommend the use of hangings as a show of force like the Turks did, I just want to

show that the only thing that might move the Arabs from the rejectionist position is force.”

Military operations in Rafah could lead to a slaughter in Gaza and put a fragile humanitarian operation at death’s door

Statement by Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

(Geneva, 13 February 2024) - The scenario we have long dreaded is unraveling at alarming speed.

More than half of Gaza’s population – well over 1 million people – are crammed in Rafah, staring death in the face: They have little to eat, hardly any access to medical care, nowhere to sleep, nowhere safe to go.

They, like the entire population of Gaza, are the victims of an assault that is unparalleled in its intensity, brutality and scope.

More than 28,000 people – mostly women and children – have been killed across Gaza, according to the Ministry of Health.

For more than four months, humanitarian workers have been doing the near-impossible to assist people in need, despite the risks they themselves were facing and the traumas they were enduring.

But no amount of dedication and goodwill is enough to keep millions of people alive, fed and protected – while the bombs are falling and the aid is choked off.

Add to this the widespread despair, the breakdown of law and order, and the defunding of UNRWA.

The consequences are humanitarian workers who are shot at, held at gunpoint, attacked and killed.

I have said for weeks now that our humanitarian response is in tatters.

Today, I’m sounding the alarm once again: Military operations in Rafah could lead to a slaughter in Gaza. They could also leave an already fragile humanitarian operation at death’s door.

We lack the safety guarantees, the aid supplies and the staff capacity to keep this operation afloat.

The international community has been warning against the dangerous consequences of any ground invasion in Rafah. The Government of Israel cannot continue to ignore these calls.

History will not be kind.

This war must end.

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
occupied Palestinian territory

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